TBR (To Be Released) Domains

When a .CA domain expires and all redemption periods and other holds are exhausted, there is one final step before the domain is released for general registration. This is the To Be Released or TBR step. TBR are scheduled for one of the weekly TBR sessions during which registrars may attempt to register domains on the list. You can see a list of domains scheduled for upcoming TBR sessions at http://tbr.cira.ca/.
If you wish to register a TBR domain, please contact us with your request. We will let you know what the cost is and if there is anything you need to do ahead of time. There are a couple of things you need to be aware of when you do.

  • There is no guarantee that we will be successful registering the domain during the TBR session. Due to the way the TBR sessions function, it is possible that another registrar will manage to win the domain.
  • We do need some lead time make the required arrangements for the TBR session. It is best to contact us at least two days ahead of the session the TBR domain is scheduled for.

Client Resources



Submit your domain search with the extension you wish to use, i.e. yourdomain.com, .ca, .net, .org, etc.


I forgot to say in my previous email that when I was discussing this with Kendra a couple of days ago she said that yours was by far the best firm she had ever worked with on websites and that your staff were so good.

L. W. , Director
International Policy Network, London, UK


It sure is a pleasure working with you and your people – they always make me feel as if I’m your only customer.

R. L., IT Manager
National Center for Policy Analysis, Dallas, Texas


To be honest, when (it was) suggested that we design a web page, I was less than enthusiastic. But thoroughly enjoyed the process — it was very easy working with you. I can’t believe how quickly everything came together. And the result is fantastic. Thanks.

D. G.
Doctor and author of Code Blue
Toronto, Ontario