FTP/SFTP Access Information

Oct 17, 2017 | Support

You will need software that supports either FTP or SFTP in order to upload files to your web site. One such software package is FileZilla. Any FTP or SFTP software will work, however.

If you have the choice between FTP and SFTP, SFTP is the better choice.

Because there is a large amount of variation in exactly how different FTP software packages are configured, you should consult the documentation for your specific software for how to set up a new connection. You will need to following information:

Server or host name. Enter your web site domain here, exactly as it appears when you access your site. If you have been provided with an alternative host name, you should use that. Otherwise, this will usually look something like www.domain.com where “domain.com” is your domain name. (It may work without the “www” as well.)
Port Number. You do not need to specify the port number for FTP. For SFTP, use port 1022.
Username. This will have been provided to you when you set up your hosting account. If you don’t have it, you can find it on the hosting management page for your account.
Password. If you don’t have this, you can set it on the hosting management page for your account. We cannot tell you what your current FTP password is because it is stored on the server in a manner that cannot be decoded.
Remote folder. This will be shown as the “Document Root” item on the hosting management page for your account. It will usually be either “/public_html” or “/domain.com” where “domain.com” is your domain name. Note that this will use forward slashes, not backslashes.

Client Resources



Submit your domain search with the extension you wish to use, i.e. yourdomain.com, .ca, .net, .org, etc.


I forgot to say in my previous email that when I was discussing this with Kendra a couple of days ago she said that yours was by far the best firm she had ever worked with on websites and that your staff were so good.

L. W. , Director
International Policy Network, London, UK


It sure is a pleasure working with you and your people – they always make me feel as if I’m your only customer.

R. L., IT Manager
National Center for Policy Analysis, Dallas, Texas


To be honest, when (it was) suggested that we design a web page, I was less than enthusiastic. But thoroughly enjoyed the process — it was very easy working with you. I can’t believe how quickly everything came together. And the result is fantastic. Thanks.

D. G.
Doctor and author of Code Blue
Toronto, Ontario