5 Websites You Need To Visit Today
By: Huffington Post Canada
Date: February 27, 2017
O, Canada, you make us proud. You’re not only the exporter of celebs like Celine Dion and Justin Bieber, you make great websites too. Whether it’s offering listings of the best concerts or showing off the country’s rich and cultured past, you make searching the World Wide Web a Canadian dream come true. In partnership with the folks at .CA, we list funny, innovative and informative websites that are keeping us entertained, and engaged, the Canadian way.
Oshawa & CIRA Collaborate To Test City-Wide Internet Performance
By: Oshawa
Date: February 27, 2017
The City of Oshawa, together with the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), are launching a free Internet Performance Test (IPT) specifically for the municipality. It will allow the City to better understand the speed and quality of Internet access within Oshawa. This is a first step toward ensuring local infrastructure is prepared to face the opportunities and issues of a digital economy.
Canada under-invests in IT, senior bureaucrat tells cyber security conference
By: IT World Canada
Date: March 2, 2017
It’s one thing when a security vendor or consulting firm talks about how increasingly difficult it is to fend off cyber attackers, but when a senior Canadian government official admits things are bad and only going to get worse it makes one pause.
Canada ranks on top of Internet affordability: Economist
By: IT World Canada
Date: March 1, 2017
Canada ranks number one out of 75 countries when it comes to the cost of Internet access relative to income and the amount of competition in the marketplace, according to a report by The Economist.
Canada must seize the moment to lead in tech innovation, Google Canada head says
By: IT Business
Date: March 1, 2017
Canada is in the best position it’s ever been to become a world leader in technological innovation, but if its corporate, government, and educational leaders fail to seize the moment they risk being left behind, the directors of Google Canada and Ryerson DMZ said during a presentation Tuesday.
Courtesy Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA)
Tel: (613) 237-5335 x242 | www.cira.ca |Twitter: @CIRARegistrar
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