For obvious reasons we like to keep a weather eye on legal battles that reference the internet world, and this article of recent case summaries caught our eye.
There was a period when the legal questions about copyright, and defamation, and the like seemed to live in a grey area, many questions remained to be answered as to damages, remedies, what is allowable or what is irresponsible or malicious? But here’s a list of topics recently before the courts,
Public Disclosure of Private Facts – This can be very expensive
Disgruntled Customer and Defamatory Social Media Posts – be careful how you slam the plumber!
Nude Selfies Do Not Breach a Good Morals Clause – self explanatory!
.Deceptive Marketing Practices–Influencer Marketing – fake links and responsibility
Prohibiting Global Internet Search Results – “I don’t want you to find this!”
Fair Comment Defence for Internet Defamation.
Contract Made by Email/ Resignations / Notifications.
The text of these and many more can be found here:
in an article presented by